1926 N Cloverland
10AM Service
Starts at 10:10am
5PM Service
Starts at 5:10pm
- Children aged 0-3 are dropped off at the nursery in the kid’s wing with adult volunteers.
- Call to Worship
- Original songs are played, people worship together, standing for the last two songs.
- A confessional prayer and time for silent confession
- A passage is read aloud
- Kids (ages 3-8) are invited to the front to engage with the pastor and lead the church in reciting The Apostles Creed or The Lord’s Prayer. Children then leave to the kid’s wing to engage in a prepared lesson using curriculum from “The Storybook Bible”.
- Mid-Kids (Ages 9-12) are invited out of service every other week to discuss the previous week’s sermon in more detail. When they are not called out, clip boards with related activies are available to them to use during the service.
- The sermon is shared with Q&A afterward.
- More original songs are played as people are invited to respond in three ways: Giving financially, taking communion, and/or sitting in the Healing Chair for prayer. Parent/Guadians are prompted to collect their children for the final song.
- The Village sings Happy Birthday to anyone that brings dessert for their birthday.
- A pastor offers a blessing.
- The Village shares a meal together.