Teacher are Missionaries
How can the Village Support Teachers
Challenges Teachers Face
Highly Demanding Job
Working before and after school hours makes for long days for teachers, requiring them to decline many events during the school year they would like to attend. Stressful situations with students and parents are hard to just leave at work.
Highly Politicized
Because education is funded by state and federal taxes, education is used as talking points to always support each political party’s needs, mainly by creating fear about what is being taught and how resources are used. Unfortunately, these agendas can seep their way into churches and damage relations in the community, making it seem public schools are the enemy of the church and harmful to kids.
What You As Individuals Can Do
Understand their needs as an individual
Asking questions to understand what they need help with, what do they feel they are too busy to do, can we take something off their plate to give them time to take care of themselves, could you sub for them.
Understand their schools needs
Asking questions to understand what their school needs, what support could the community provide, what are supplies or classroom needs.
Look to edify and help
What you see on the news or scroll through online is crafted for its shock value—it’s designed to stir emotions and spark reactions. But if you’re wondering about something practical, like the school’s dress code, the curriculum, or what clubs are available, don’t rely on rumors or headlines. The best thing to do is to go directly to the school’s website. As I mentioned before, education has become a battleground for political agendas. For Christians working within the public school system, it can be incredibly disheartening when the very institution they serve is treated as a threat to children or the church. These workers are on the frontlines, often doing their best to support and nurture the next generation. Let’s remember to offer them encouragement, not discouragement.
What Can The Community Do
Provide Space for Prayer and Emotional Support
Make space that works for them to come together and share their individual challenges, be prayed for, and support each other
Pray as a community for them at the start of the school year
Call them to front for prayer and pray a blessing over them, sending them into city to teach the children in our city.
Seek out ways the teachers can be supported
Do we need to organize a night to help grade? Are people needed to help set up or take down a classroom? Do they need someone to take their car to shop while they are at work?