At the Village we believe that people are made in the image of a creative God and that because this is true, we also create. Calling people to be creative in the way God has uniquely fashioned them is a huge part of our being in community. We call on people to attempt to draw, paint, photograph, sculpt, write poetry and computer programs, create music, write lyrics, cook, bake, garden, renovate buildings, and engage in other creative endeavors and then share the products of that creativity with the community.
Explore some of our creations on the menu below.

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19b

In addition to Pastor Eric’s poscast “Faith Over Breakfast” with co-host Andy Littleton, the Village also supports the postcast “Healing the City”.

Visual Art
Villagers are given spaces to create various forms of visual art on a regular basis including the montly art nights held on the fourth Friday of every month.

In addition to writing opportunities to write during monthly art nights, Villagers are encouraged to reflect and create written reflections. Many are posted weekly on the website.

Video Resources
While is has been a while, the Village has created several video resources available on vimeo.

The Daniel Project
A series long community art project where Villagers were invited to contribute in response to the Book of Daniel.