The Middle Day

The Middle Day It is the day between two days, memories of what once was, generic hope of what might be. Just another middle day, like a middle child alone in his room, rejected and ignored. A father's back is turned, a mother mourns her loss. Friends abandon friends and quickly run away. A lonely borrowed grave becomes a body's home which happens most times when death comes as…

Tension in humility

Sometimes two things are true, but seem like they can't be. We often hear those things as not complementary, but divided. In my recent sermon I talked about finding rest in community and shared that it was restful to be humble and to follow Paul's instruction to consider others better than ourselves. Considering all others to be better than ourselves allows us to let go of the stress of…

This awesome website and app…

Hey guys, I cannot speak more highly of this website. Intelligently written articles on topics of life/relationships as it pertains to living a Christ centered life. I find it to be very relevant and bold as well as full of wisdom and truth. I subscribed so I get their articles in my inbox....hope you find it as encouraging as I do! Also, I have been using the "pray…

the longing for connection

Hey all- I wrote a post on my blog. I'm just gonna link it this time- I don't have the patience to upload all the photos again. I am learning where my writing lacks, the photography speaks and vice versa.

Protest Injustice by Turning to God & Pray

Just a few days ago, protesters and police clashed in downtown Tucson. I just heard about today (Saturday) and my heart sank because this took place where I live, and with people who are members of my community, I have no idea if I know anyone involved or a witness. This event is a disgusting travesty. Yet it is both understandable and commonplace, and so very preventable. I believe…

The life of Bentley

I decided to make a facebook page called the life of Bentley. The purpose of the page is to share stories of Bentley and share podcasts and articles and videos as they relate to Down syndrome. I don't think you have to be my friend on fb to follow this page- if you do - then let me know and I'll fix it. I wanted a space to share…

Time still cheats

Like a scab that's been picked Time and time again This place is sensitive The tears won't end Leaving and going It's too much to bear Almost would be better If you were never here Instead of a callous Blood still weeps Instead of being easier Time still cheats Gone and going Life still lives Come and coming Love still gives

Community Part 3

The disciples had everything in common. They were in fellowship together. Fellowship is a weird word. Think about the passage with me for a minute - when we talk about having all things in common, that doesn’t mean that members of the early church could walk into Peter’s house and say, “Hey the Lord has need of your television. Give it to me because we have all things in…

Can I get two minutes?

I am shocked and horrified at what I'm seeing in the news and social media. I don't have a Facebook right now (deactivated about a year ago) and I don't have twitter or that other big social media site I can't remember the name. I recently signed up for instagram but I still don't really know how to use it. However, sometimes I cheat and sign into my hubbies Facebook…

Self-Control as the Last Moral Apologetic

  A few days back I posted a quote (and link) from NT Wright which said (roughly) that "All of the fruit of the Spirit can be counterfeited by happy, healthy young people, save one - self-control."I've been thinking about that a lot over these days.  And I've been thinking that there is another truism in our cultural context: "All of the fruit of the Spirit have a counterfeit…

accepting my broken identity

peeling, flaking, rubbing, shedding. the old is gone and is going. the new has come and is coming. this was my prayer tonight. my new creationness is ongoing and it's messy. messy and embarrassing. i feel acutely how this cracking, splitting, broken, old hull still clings annoyingly to my new self. ugh why can't i just be rid of it? why doesn't it just fall off for good? sounds…

Poem, Marvelous Distractions

I wrote this a few years ago. I find it interesting that the same things that I sometimes use to numb out/distract myself are also the things that unexpectedly occasionally touch my heart. Marvelous Distractions Give me a cup of tea," she said, "I need a cup of tea. Something to sip the day away, Warmth to comfort my frozen heart."   "Give me a book to read," she…