Joy In Creativity

My mother started teaching me violin when I was about 3 years old. I didn’t stick with it, but it led to other things, piano in 1st grade, trumpet in 3rd grade, guitar in 7th grade and others. One of my first memories is of my father playing hymns on the piano as we were going to bed. I grew up with music. Not so much listening to it,…

The Intrusion

First John five 11 and 12 reads like this: This is the testimony that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his son. He who has the son has life. He who does not have the son of God does not have life. John begins verse 11 with the statement: This is the testimony, He is making a proclamation. John is saying, what I have…

Well water…

The only thing left of the farm I grew up on is the well. It is still covered by the piece of cast iron that covered it when I was a kid although the long handled red pump has been replace by an electric one. I think about it every once in a while. There was something wonderful about moving the pump handle up and down until cool clear…

Funny Converstaions​

I was thinking about what I should write, then this prompt caught my eyes: what made you laugh recently. So I decided to share some funny conversations I had with my friends. - *Thinking about what I have learned about relationships recently*Me: Relationships are hard and messyMiss G. : That’s true.Me: But the relationship with Jesus is always clear and never confusing. The only DTR conversation you need to…

Permanent Grief

There comes a time when grief becomes a way of life. It becomes permanent. A profound sadness envelops me. What I long to have ‘fixed’ remains forever broken. There is no fix. No answer. Obviously, there are moments of rage and anger that point to my demand for solutions and the blocked goals I have that will not be appeased. Those things must be addressed. There are moments when…

Join a Study Group on The Divine Conspiracy.

I asked Michael Cousineau if he would be interesed in leading a study goup based on Dallas Willard's book called The Devine Conspiracy, and he agreeed. I would much rather have more than Michael teaching only myself. I am wanting more people attend and learn a greater understanding what it means to become a student of Christ Jesus. I am interested in learning what it means to put on…

Art, Family, and 90th Birthdays

My grandma is turning 90 on Valentine’s Day. This weekend I am headed to Michigan with some of my family to celebrate with a party on Saturday. There’s something very familiar about all this. When I was growing up we would visit my family in Michigan. We would stay with my mom’s sister in Ann Arbor, where we are staying this weekend. I played and watched sports with my…

Cycle of repentance vs. cycle of shame

In our pilgrim group we have been talking about God’s sovereignty and how he has sovereignty over nature, nations, creation, man, and Satan. We were asked the question: which part of god’s sovereignty made us uncomfortable and which part gave us comfort? I said that God’s sovereignty over Satan made me uncomfortable because that means that sometimes God is allowing Satan to mess with me or mess with my…

Answered prayers

I pray a lot. I even have a ‘prayer tub’ thanks to the generosity of others. In my old age I’ve come to realize that praying is of primal importance. The more time I spend doing it the better life seems. I love talking with God. I love praying with, and for, others. It’s tiring and sometimes it feels like war, but most of the time I come up…

Fat Albert

"Fat Albert" This may come as a surprise to some of you, but I was a big boy when I was a kid and not big like cute chubby big… I'm talking like I was grossly obese big. Like if you saw me you would have been concerned for my health and well being. My overweightness started as a teenager and carried it's way till my sophmore year of…

Don’t Drift

A few years ago when I preached on the letter to the Hebrews, I was struck by the phrase, "Don't drift from your salvation." I wondered why that was so important -- why salvation would be the thing we wouldn't drift away from: why not Jesus, or the gospel? While reflecting on the story of Paul's conversion, I realized that in our initial encounter with Jesus, our unique identity…

Kickball Champion

I played competative kickball for 11 years growing up. From age 7 to 18, I was part of the Little Miss Kickball League in the Tip-O-Tex park of Texas. Trust me, it's a BIG thing in Texas - hundreds of girls in several cities across the state play in these leagues I didn't just play. I crushed it. For maybe 8 out of the 11 years, I made…

God’s Promises… Waiting for Them

I remember clearly when God told us we were going to adopt Ian.  We were at the Park Place Mall play area. I watched Ellen running around playing. I felt so much love for her and pride. Then I noticed the other kids and how they were so beautiful with all their differences of abilities and skin color and appearances. I felt a strong sense of peace come over…

2019 reflections

As I reflect on this year, God seems like he’s after two themes in my life. First is demands: my demands, my kids demands, my husband’s demands, the demands of other people I know. Things I believe I am entitled to: my opinions, my longings, being heard, being understood, other people doing the right thing, people around me doing the considerate thing. But as I demand, consciously and unconsciously,…

Things you probably don’t know about your elderly pastor…

Things you may not know about your elderly pastor: I was once arrested for robbing a Circle K convenience store. Fortunately the store clerk said he didn’t think it was me so they released me.  The first time I was ever in an airplane I parachuted out at 12,500 feet. I didn’t get to wear a flight suit because I was too tall and I had to wear a…


Anxiety. Some seven letter word that we use to try to describe a feeling that can't really be described. It seems that the experience of anxiety is as unique as the individual experiencing it. For many years (pretty much until I came to The Village) I didn't think that I suffered from this affliction. And those Christians who did, I callously supposed, should just "cast your cares (or anxieties)…