Thinking of Jacob

Baptism Here is a video of Jacob getting baptized last year.  This makes me feel blessed to think of everything that came together for this to happen.  I like that I was able to baptize him.  I never baptized someone before and I am very blessed to have the opportunity to baptize Jacob. My dad came and took some photos.  My friend Bill Ackerley came and took video footage…


The Great Feast Easter is not one day, but 50!! The ancient church calendar calls these 50 days “Eastertide.” Eastertide begins on Easter day and ends with Pentecost, the day we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the Church. For many communities, the church calendar is used to help disciple new believers and strengthen the faith of those who have been walking with Jesus…

Digital Hospitality

Digital Hospitality I’ve been watching a series of videos lately on YouTube by Malcolm Guite. He is a poet and an Anglican priest. In the past I’ve enjoyed his lectures on literature, especially surrounding Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings, as well as C.S. Lewis and The Chronicles of Narnia. Since the UK went into lockdown, he’s been recording short videos in which he invites the viewer into…

With Time on Schedule; Break to Ponder a Thought about Christ Jesus

As some know, I have begun to deepen my faith and walk, and am attempting to better understand The Kingdom of God, or the Gospel.  Recently, I came upon this concept while studying The Devine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. Does the Christian Church and Community (The Village Church) have something (knowlege, experience, thoughts) that are essential to life? I can take the Bible as a literary work that is…

Staying Connected in Crisis

I Hate the Coronavirus! It has distanced family and friends.  It has caused death, controversy, confusion, worry and fear.  It’s part of the daily news cycle, which one can attempt to avoid, but not escape. When this first started, I was disappointed that my go-to events in March/April were getting canceled.  March Madness, Festival of Books, Folk Festival, and Pima County Fair all fell victim to the virus.   And…

God with a body, God of the future

While he was a prisoner of war in 1940, Jean-Paul Sartre wrote a nativity play. He is primarily remembered as a philosopher, but he also wrote novels, films, songs, and plays so his wartime playwriting isn’t too surprising in that regard. However, as a famously public atheist, a play about the coming of Jesus seems like a strange topic for Sartre. Why did he write this? The play is…

corona life

is it morning? 5:28 Am is it still here? 500,000 and counting dressed, i run into the desert the sun rising the mountains change color i stop in awe. home, hot breakfast awaits me eggs from our ladies, fresh veggies, juice math, geography, history snack chickens fed creative drawing time for the kids i open the news not enough masks not enough ventilators are we ready? italy, spain, and…

Ways to Connect Digitally

Hi Villagers! As we are adjusting to social distancing and the many other changes happening today, The Village staff and leadership still wants you to connect with one another. Leaders will be checking in on people from time to time but do not hesitate to reach out to an elder (Rod, Mark, or Eric) if you need anything. In the meantime - here are my top three apps for…


We all know how much COVED-19 has changed our lives in less than 2 weeks. No more gathering at church for worship, prayer, the reading and preaching of the Word, communion and dinner. No more afterglow conversation. No more visits between friends. Now it is just Lar and me or you and yours at home. Fortunately, Lar and I have always spent a lot of time in communication with…

Time and Distance

TIME AND DISTANCE Uncle John Hugen handed me a Bible. “It was your great grandmother’s. I think you should have it You’ll appreciate it more than most.” Still, it gathers dust up on my bookshelf. In 1620 it was printed in a language. I can’t begin to understand, it becomes a comfortable, sacred relic, an odd connection to some distant past. A memory of a time I didn’t, couldn’t…

Mandatory Vacation

Usually when me or my kids get sick and we have to refrain from participating in the normal busy routine of life I get kinda excited. It’s like a break, a rest from obligations or routines, even if I chose them, I’m forced to abstain. I relish the lack of needing to get dressed sometimes staying in our pajamas the whole day. I savor just sitting on the couch…

Things I missed…

Sunday was hard. I stayed home from the Village at the Elder’s request. It makes sense. Kathy is at high risk for getting the virus. Patients at the Veterans Hospital are at great risk and she roams all over the hospital. It is a building filled with elderly, immune compromised people. It is good for her to avoid being around lots of people. No one wants to be the person…

CoronaVirus Protocol

Dear Villagers and Friends, We met as elders and discussed our response to the Coronavirus and we are encouraging the following. Before that, you need to see Burzynski Elder Law - guardianship lawyer naples fl from here: 1) If you or your children are sick or have any signs of illness please stay home. It is not honoring of our value of accessibility to expose others to disease. 2)…

on lent…

I am reading a devotional book for Lent this year and the first few days it focuses on understanding why we give something up for Lent, including ways to decide what the thing might be... I am reminded of what it says in Joel to "rend my heart and not my garments." I was at the gym the other day and I immediately began making a plan to rend…

My Thesis For Today

How the relationship between MY church and God reflect/impact MY relationship with my wife. The Bible talks of how a husband and wife interact and love/submit to one another in a way that mirrors the relationship of Jesus and His church.  I have believed this the entire time that I’ve been married.  My view of my church and how my church relates to Jesus has impacted my marriage.  After…

A Message From the Elders

Dear Village, As we head into the new year, Eric, Mark, and Rod would like to provide an update for the church. Finances As you know, last year we anticipated spending more than we brought in, because we added Mark’s salary and increased Jessica’s time and salary. These changes were necessary due to the growth of the community. However, because of the two services, we also spend more on…