Songs From Quarantine

At the beginning of quarantine, social distancing, and stay-at-home orders I set out on project to fight against the anxiety, depression, and weariness that comes with having to stay home all the time. I began to write lyrics out of our new community rhythms, Wednesday morning zoom prayer, Rod’s Monday prayer time, and livestreaming church. I’m still working on new songs, but three songs come out of those first…


1900 years ago a young immigrant worker in the Asia province of Rome was struggling to feed his family. His children were hungry, and his wife had died of a painful disease. He worked long hours as a laborer, and his living conditions were squalid. Then, as he walked home from work, he was accosted by bandits, and beaten, with his earnings for the week stolen. He could not…

My sister Ruth’s story…

A blog from my sister, Ruth Valencia. Her story of God’s goodness is a powerful read   On turning 60... I did not really know what to expect for my future. I had dreams, of course, just like everyone else, but I had cerebral palsy so I wondered if I would ever ride a trike and then a bike. I wondered if I would roller skate and jump rope, if…

I am struggling.

I've been struggling - in many ways. Here's one that I offer to you. I had a really difficult time in drafting the Village newsletter this week. For those that do not know, I am the administrator for The Village and as such I help manage the Instagram account for @Villagers_Online and I send the weekly newsletter. Normally, the hardest part about sending the newsletter is rounding up the…

American Gods

[Warning: discussion of racism and racist violence.] “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Mat 13:44. One of my favorite premises for a book is American Gods by Neil Gaiman. In it, the old gods like Odin and Thoth exist, but so…

Code Blue

I’ve very much appreciated Adrienne’s response to ‘writing prompts’. This is a poem I had hoped to offer at Art Night before circumstances conspired against my being able to attend. The poem was written in response to a prompt offered on an online writer’s gathering. The prompt was a picture of a path through interlaced trees creating a canopy. There was bright sunlight at the far end of the…


I have never lived through a pandemic before, but my first-grade teacher Audrene Boeve was disabled by the polio she had endured in the epidemic of the 1950s. The first adult I loved outside of my family, she walked with a constant limp and with a bright smile.  It was a too-short life; a few months after giving birth to a son, she died in her late 20s, probably…

Writing prompt: fire

Here’s the latest 500 word write: he 100 year old brick house stood connected to a huge lot on the famous corner of Mack and Burns in Detroit. We purchased the abandoned house for $10,000 and it was completely remodeled. We were given beautiful oak kitchen cabinets from a family up north who was redoing their kitchen in white and for plumbing services for your modern kitchen, you could…

the cardiologist

I am taking a writing class and I really love it. The prompt this past week was: breakfast. Here's where breakfast took me..... funny how that happens. Feel free to use this prompt and write a 500 word or less post to join me.. (and yours can actually be about breakfast! haha) He came into the world in the middle of a sweltering Michigan summer and the hospital air…

Everyone is afraid…

Everyone is afraid. The people gloving up and masking their faces are often mocked for being afraid. They are afraid. They are afraid for their health. Perhaps afraid of dying. The people demanding to open up the economy and get back to work are also afraid. They are afraid of not being able to provide for their families or of losing their businesses. It’s fear. Just a different fear.…


Stay at Home Order For a moment I felt relief. The world was going to stop and I didn’t have to feel the fear of missing out. Something huge was happening to get me off the hook. But it hasn’t turned out that way. There’s still a million ways to feel the deficit. To feel the “shoulds”, the missing out. I should be helping. I should be learning something.…

Are we ever going to feel the same?

Are we ever going to felt the same about our kids giving spontaneous hugs Linking arms Accidentally sharing a sandwich Exchanging a two year olds enthusiastic kiss?   Are we ever going to feel the same about hugging our friends Sitting side by side on a bench Holding them as their tears fall on our shoulder Occasionally embracing them cheek to cheek?   Are we ever going to feel…

Imagine Fire

Imagine Fire Imagine cleansing flame burning up the dross, purifying perfect gold, until all shimmers in the light of day.    Imagine fiery clarity.  Dazzling diamond facets whose brightly shining cuts pierce the darking clouds  through the dim of twilight.    Imagine glowing embers, luminescent logs, the perfect dying, offering heat and hope in the dark of night. 

the lost remote and cord

For most of Bentley's life his access to technology has been a computer laptop or an iPad. Both of these items are easy to put on a shelf or put a lock code on to prohibit his free range use. When we moved to this house we were given a television and would sometimes find Bentley up in the night watching his favorite show on Netflix while eating some…

2020 prayers pre virus

the following was written in my 20 prayers for 2020 (this list is not exhaustive, but only pertains to what I intend to write) 1. to be patient when i am afraid 2. to save money 3. to be more gracious when things don't go my way 4. to choose healthy 5. time together 6. that we would learn to give as a family 7. Clayton would believe in…

Mt. Lemmon’s Fire

Fire crept down the lofty mountains, lapped up Mt. Lemmon’s piney trees eating at the desert’s gorgeous greenery,  insatiably devouring all it came to see.  The sheriff, knocking on my door, said it had taken sight of me and mine.  That it would soon be time to run,  “You have two hours to collect  the precious things you wish to save.”   It haunts my soul both then and now…