Self-Control as the Last Moral Apologetic

  A few days back I posted a quote (and link) from NT Wright which said (roughly) that "All of the fruit of the Spirit can be counterfeited by happy, healthy young people, save one - self-control."I've been thinking about that a lot over these days.  And I've been thinking that there is another truism in our cultural context: "All of the fruit of the Spirit have a counterfeit…

Open offer – looking for group rides

As you all know, I ride my bike a lot.  :)  Many of my miles come on the weekend - I usually ride early Saturday or Sunday morning (often both).  So far, they've all been solo rides, which is OK, but not great. So here's an open offer - if you're looking to go on a bike ride, call me!  You don't have to go far, or fast -…

Interviewing to be a Lecturer…

As many of you know already, I'm interviewing for a full-time Lecturer position at the University of Arizona very soon.  This is the latest step (maybe the culmination?) of a long process God has had me on, and I thought I should write it all down.  So sit down in a comfy chair - since I'm writing this, it's going to be a long one! Back in 2005, I…

El Tour ’14

As just about everybody knows by now, I'm riding in the El Tour de Tucson this year.  I've dreamed about doing this ever since I moved to Tucson almost 30 years ago, and I'm finally doing it.  I've been training for several months, and am ready to do the 55-mile version of the race (hopefully, next year I can do the whole one!). This is really exciting for me,…