Just a few days ago, protesters and police clashed in downtown Tucson. I just heard about today (Saturday) and my heart sank because this took place where I live, and with people who are members of my community, I have no idea if I know anyone involved or a witness. This event is a disgusting travesty. Yet it is both understandable and commonplace, and so very preventable.
I believe that I see a need that God is drawing me towards, at least leading me in the direction. The Christian Community is commanded to go to other people and tell them about God and our experience with God. This is evangelism, yet according to Barna Surveys’ attendance in organized Church services has declined. On the other hand, approximately 85% of American population claim that they are Christians, as opposed to any other faith. Approximately 40% of Americans state that they attend Church on a regular basis, although less than 20% is the actual statistic. My point here is that we need God, it appears that American people believe in God, there just is a big wide gap.
American society is fragmented into a wide diverse areas separated by chasms which separate each other group, and a since of fear, a boding miss trust, anxiety is sweeping the general population, including members of God’s Church of present times. We human beings are hurting people, wounded by other people who oppress us, and often we tend to oppress and take advantage of us and our circumstances. This is a cycle that takes place on daily basis, since Adam & Eve were exiled out of the Garden.
American history has always been a country that enjoys a good protest–from the Quaker Petition against Slavery in 1688, The Boston Tea Party in 1773, The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, The GM sit down Strike in 1936, The Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, The March on Washington in 1963, Selma in 1965, and the War and Peace Protests in the 1960-1970’s. while the above were successful and had positive impact, most protests in the history of our country were not as successful.
While in Egypt, the Israelite people protested, they took petitions before God, who heard their pleas and used Moses and Aaron to lead them out of Egypt, and worked out His form of mercy and teaching, making this ragamuffin band of relatives into His Nation and People and they Worshiped Him.
My solution is that I am being compelled/interested in taking a visible stance to put my faith and commitment with God, at the foot of the cross and empty tomb Christ Jesus. I want to go and protest with the protesters. My mouth will be taped shut, because I don’t have a timid and meek tongue. I will be sitting in a chair, with signs explaining my purpose (to support their right to protest and that I am praying to God to change my faults and sins). Everyone needs God, Everyone needs to repent and live a life that is Holy and Christ Centered. I need to strive to work towards that goal. God Cherishes people, including those we disagree with and those who we fear and most important, people who sin against us and those we sin against.. God’s desire is that humanity live together in fairness, respect, while not treating others with harm and manipulation. God desires to hand out his mercy on us,, as this pleases Him greatly. My purpose is not to judge or condemn, rather to show a light to God, who will make a world perfect and fair, and Christ Jesus will be our Bride and King. This is not about me, rather a plea to Turn To God and Learn from God His Love and ways, and Start with Prayer and more Prayer, and then read about this cool and so very awesome Just a few days ago, protesters and police clashed in downtown Tucson. I just heard about today (Saturday) and my heart sank because this took place where I live, and with people who are members of my community, I have no idea if I know anyone involved or a witness. This event is a disgusting travesty. Yet it is both understandable and commonplace, and so very preventable.
I believe that I see a need that God is drawing me towards, at least leading me in the direction. The Christian Community is commanded to go to other people and tell them about God and our experience with God. This is evangelism, yet according to Barna Surveys’ attendance in organized Church services has declined. On the other hand, approximately 85% of American population claim that they are Christians, as opposed to any other faith. Approximately 40% of Americans state that they attend Church on a regular basis, although less than 20% is the actual statistic. My point here is that we need God, it appears that American people believe in God, there just is a big wide gap.
American society is fragmented into a wide diverse areas separated by chasms which separate each other group, and a since of fear, a boding miss trust, anxiety is sweeping the general population, including members of God’s Church of present times. We human beings are hurting people, wounded by other people who oppress us, and often we tend to oppress and take advantage of us and our circumstances. This is a cycle that takes place on daily basis, since Adam & Eve were exiled out of the Garden.
American history has always been a country that enjoys a good protest–from the Quaker Petition against Slavery in 1688, The Boston Tea Party in 1773, The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, The GM sit down Strike in 1936, The Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, The March on Washington in 1963, Selma in 1965, and the War and Peace Protests in the 1960-1970’s. while the above were successful and had positive impact, most protests in the history of our country were not as successful.
While in Egypt, the Israelites protested, they took petitions before God, who heard their pleas and used Moses and Aaron to lead them out of Egypt, and worked out His form of mercy and teaching, making this ragamuffin band of relatives into His Nation and People and they Worshiped Him.
My solution is that I am being compelled/interested in taking a visible stance to put my faith and commitment with God, at the foot of the cross and empty tomb Christ Jesus. I want to go and protest with the protestors. My mouth will be taped shut, because I don’t have a timid and meek tongue. I will be sitting in a chair, with signs explaining my purpose (to support their right to protest and that I am praying to God to change my faults and sins). Everyone needs God, Everyone needs to repent and live a life that is Holy and Christ Centered. God Cherishes people, including those we disagree with. God desires to hand out his mercy, as this pleases Him greatly. My purpose is not to judge or condemn, rather to show a light to God, who can make a world perfect and fair. who cherishes you so very much.
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