MC Update

Greetings Friends!

I pray this email finds you having a restful Sunday. Isn’t Tucson marvelous in November!
The Sold no More event was a hit yesterday! I do not know the specific numbers on the amount that was raised. I do know that there were 400 people there. Which means there are 400 people out there in Tucson who are aware and spreading the word about sex trafficking, and that is pretty awesome! Thank you for your support and prayers!
We are indeed going to have a meeting this month! It seemed like the 22nd was not going to work out for a lot of people; so we will meet on the 29th. Yes, it is Thanksgiving holiday. For anyone who is able to come, we will meet at the church at 10:30 and we are going to make some cookies to freeze for a CFC Christmas party in December. I suppose there may be a few extra to nibble on that day as well. Since it is the weekend after the big turkey day I thought it would be fun to bring our best Thanksgiving leftover recipes for lunch. Just a big potluck of whatever you bring. What do you guys think? After this month’s meeting we will take a break for fallow month for December.
At last Friday’s drumming circle we talked about becoming Village Proclaimers. To move from a community that isn’t just active in our church to a community that proclaims what our church has done in our lives. So, I would like to put forth a challenge this week for you to tell someone; other than your family,  this week about how your life has changed because of the Village. I’m sitting here thinking of how awkward it is going to be; and that is true but maybe that is ok. I would like to hear about your experiences if you care to share them with us.
The scripture Eric read on Friday and the same one we are studying in our Pilgrim groups fits this idea so well; so I will leave you with that today.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9)
With Love,